Coming back from COVID-19


Kate Allan, British 50 Mile Time Trial Champion in 2017 and founder of endurance sports communications firm, Compete PR, developed COVID-19 symptoms back in March.

“Three weeks in, with symptoms becoming more intense, I ended up in A&E – breathless, with a horribly mucous-y cough and body aches like no other,” she wrote of her COVID-19 experience. 
“…the chest x-ray showed pneumonia in my right lung and the blood tests markers of infection.”


Coming down with COVID-19 prompted her to alter her eating patterns and views of nutrition.

“I’ve started taking magnesium, vitamin D and a more general multi-vitamin, and being more mindful about taking onboard healthier foods…My skin is brighter, and although I’ve felt pretty dreadful with lurgy – I can feel that my body is functioning far more effectively than it has been.”

Full story here.


Author: Shane

Scribe. Mostly about nutrition, food & health.